Fracture or dislocation
Keep bandage or splint/cast clean and dry. You may bathe in a shower but keep water off of the bandage or splint/cast.
Do not remove your bandage or splint/cast.
Do not bear weight on operated leg. Use crutches as instructed.
Elevate operated leg as much as possible.
Apply ice bags or use ice machine as instructed for pain.
Take prescribed pain medicine as needed for pain. You may switch to Tylenol a few days after surgery. Do not take more than 3,000 mg of Tylenol per day. DO NOT TAKE ANTI-INFLAMMORY MEDICATION (Advil, Motrin, Ibuprofen, etc.) for 1 month post-operatively.
Your follow-up appointment will be in a 3 weeks. PLEASE CALL TO SCHEDULE THIS APPOINTMENT.
UCLA 100 Medical Plaza, Suite 755, Westwood (310) 206-5250
UCLA Student Health (310) 825-4073
UCLA Athletic Training Room. Contact your athletic trainer to schedule