Biceps tendon repair, triceps tendon repair, fracture
Keep bandage or splint/cast clean and dry. You may bathe in a shower but keep water off of the bandage or splint/cast.
Do not remove your bandage or splint/cast.
Wear sling at all times including while sleeping.
Apply ice bags as needed for pain.
Take prescribed pain medicine as needed for pain. You may switch to Tylenol a few days after surgery. Do not take more than 3,000 mg of Tylenol per day. DO NOT TAKE ANTI-INFLAMMORY MEDICATION (Advil, Motrin, Ibuprofen, etc.) for 1 month post-operatively.
Your follow-up appointment will be in a 1 week. PLEASE CALL TO SCHEDULE THIS APPOINTMENT.
UCLA 100 Medical Plaza, Suite 755, Westwood (310) 206-5250
UCLA Student Health (310) 825-4073
UCLA Athletic Training Room. Contact your athletic trainer to schedule
If you develop severe pain, temperature greater than 101.5°, inability to move extremity, severe bleeding, numbness, wound drainage or redness, call your doctor’s office immediately. After hours or on weekends, call the UCLA Page Operator at (310) 825-6301 and ask for the Orthopedic Resident on call or come to the Emergency Room.
Dr. McAllister's Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Areas of Speciality